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The Right Type (“TRT”) (also collectively referred to as “we”, “our” and “us”) want you to be familiar with our privacy policy and how we collect, use, process and disclose personal information. This Privacy Policy describes our practices in connection with the information that we collect through our activities.


This Privacy and Information Policy (“Privacy Policy”) has been developed to acknowledge the importance of and assist in providing a framework for, the appropriate level of protection for consumer identification, collection, holding, using, disseminating, merging, collating, disclosing and protection of your personal information (“process” or “processing”). The policy represents the practice’s commitment to compliance with its obligations under the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 (“POPI”).

We are committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of your personal information, and will take all reasonable steps to protect your personal information, including the use of technology. We cannot, however, guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us electronically and you do so at your own risk. Only authorised employees and representatives of TRT will have access to your personal information. All our employees and service providers are held to stringent standards of privacy and security.

The processing of personal information

We provide this policy in accordance with POPI, detailing the lawful approach we take in the collection of information and regarding the management, use and processing of all information collected from you and other legitimate sources and all subsequent dealings with our service providers / representatives, and administrative staff.

In the course of our business, we process personal information in relation to our clients in terms of services provided to our clients. This includes personal identification particulars, financial information, client passwords, graphic designs, instructions executed, etc.

The types of personal information collected and processed

We gather information about yourself primarily from you and information / documentation provided to us by you, and in some instances from other organisations, such as public records.

Why we process personal information

We process personal information to communicate with you about your design and website requirements and to provide such information to other institutions in the execution of our mandate.

What laws authorise us to collect personal information?

We are authorised to collect your personal information, for a lawful purpose, by POPI, as well as for the purposes that are listed in this Privacy Policy. In order to access/collect/process your information, we act on your behalf as the “responsible party” requesting to access your personal information under South African legislation.

How we collect personal information

We collect personal information in South Africa from these possible legitimate sources:

  • from you;
  • from the documentation that we request and that you provide;
  • from your existing marketing materials and/or social media platforms and/or websites;
  • from information about you that is publicly available.

Please note, depending on circumstances, we may choose not to collect information from all these sources.

How we hold personal information securely

In all circumstances the information is held by us on our secure systems or data base. We undertake to take all reasonable and necessary steps to secure the integrity and confidentiality of your personal information and to protect your information from misuse, loss, interference, unauthorised access, modification, breach or unauthorised disclosure.

Electronic copies are held in a secure environment, with the application of appropriate passwords and other computer and software security techniques.

How we use your personal information provided

Once you have submitted your information and provided consent for us to use of your information, we are entitled to use your personal information as follows:

  • To communicate with and identify you ;
  • To check when was the last time you used our services, if at all;
  • To execute our mandate as authorised by you;
  • To receive confirmation that you have granted us authority to act as the “responsible party” if information is held by a third party;
  • To exchange your information and documentation with any outside party or entity as may be required for the due execution of our mandate;
  • For any purpose permitted by law.

What do we do with your personal information?

We undertake to only use your Personal Information for the purpose required to render graphic design, and/or website development and/or maintenance services to you.

We do not sell, trade, share or rent your personal information to any third party for marketing purposes.

Should you at any point in time wish to opt out from the use, collection and processing of your personal information, this can be done by informing us at

Parties we share your information with

  • We employ the services of other professionals with whom we are required to share your personal information. Compliance with POPIA ensures the personal information we have disclosed is used only for the specific lawful purpose we have requested on your behalf.
  • We may disclose your personal information to third parties if we are under a duty to disclose or share such information in order to comply with any legal obligation or to protect the rights, property or safety of the practice, its patients and others.

What kinds of website visitor information we collect

TRT may collect personal information about you as you utilise our website. This is done through the use of ‘cookies’. Cookies are small text files consisting of encrypted information assigned to a computer’s browser, which is given to your browser by our web server when you visit our website. This data is stored on your browser. The cookie is sent back to our web server each time you visit our website. Cookies are not computer programs and do not run on a computer like programs do. They cannot gather information or function on their own. They cannot collect any personal information about you or your machine and cannot gather data or information about what you do on the internet. Cookies merely enable us to provide a more valuable online experience to you. You can set up your internet browser to disable cookie technology.

How you may complain about our failure to comply with POPIA

There are 2 ways you may complain:

  • Verbally, or in writing, by contacting the Information Officer, Ms Kariné Joubert, at
  • Any additional information or concerns can be found and raised with the Information Regulator, who can be contacted as shared below, but please feel free to contact us first to discuss any questions or concerns you may have:

Tel: 012 406 4818

There is no charge for lodging a complaint.